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27 September 2016

Do as I say...

...not as I do...
Liberal cabinet minister Maryam Monsef could be stripped of her citizenship without a hearing under a law the Liberals denounced while in opposition but which they’ve been enforcing aggressively since taking power, civil liberties and refugee lawyers say. She could even be deported, said immigration lawyer Lorne Waldman, part of a group that launched a constitutional challenge of the law Monday.

The Liberal government has been enforcing the law “aggressively,” setting targets to strip 40 to 60 Canadians each month of their citizenship. According to the Justice Department, 206 individuals have been stripped of their citizenship since May 2015 — about 18 per month.
That's funny... I thought it was all the fault of that secretive, controlling Stephen Harper.

Guess I was mistaken.


RELATED: There's no such thing... "Canadian values" says Spawn of Pierre...
"Ottawa's police chief says the west-side African eatery where a man was gunned down on Sunday morning has been a "magnet of criminal activity" since it opened three years ago."
Well, Justin... you're certainly working on that.


LAST WORD: Remember when you were a kid...

...people were being gunned down all over the place?

Yeah... me neither.
With three months still to go in the year, Ottawa has now tied the record-breaking number of shootings set in 2014.
What exactly has changed over the last few decades? Oh man, it's a mystery.