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26 September 2016

Debate Night

Where size and stamina do matter...pantsuit on fireYou can't climb into a vehicle without a step-stool, there's absolutely no way you're physically up to being President of the United States.

Of course, it helps if your meds are tuned just right... and it seems Hillary is almost there.


ALLEGATION: Hillary attacking Trump as "Birther"

Here's an indisputable fact:
Patti Solis Doyle, who was Hillary Clinton’s campaign manager in 2008 until the Iowa caucuses, admitted on Friday that a Clinton campaign staffer had, in fact, circulated the Birther conspiracy theory that Barack Obama was born outside the U.S. and therefore potentially ineligible to serve in the presidency.
Hillary just called Trump a racist straight out and completely ignored his question about Patti Doyle. And the moderator immediately segued to "Cybercrime" before it could be readdressed.

Hillary also emphatically stated murders were down, in fact, she called for that to be "fact-checked." Well, lookee here...
The country’s murder rate jumped more last year than it had in nearly half a century, newly released federal crime data showed.
Hillary next accuses Trump of being in cahoots with Vladimir Putin... in effect helping Putin to attack America. She further says Trump "invited Putin to hack into Americans." Moderator Holt is fine with that.

And, it was a two on one fight all night...
Trump was challenged on his answers Monday night at Hofstra University in New York at least six times by NBC's Lester Holt, according to the Washington Examiner's count. Hillary Clinton, meanwhile was asked no follow-up questions for the 90-minute debate.
I had planned to do a point by point analysis... but I think it's already been summed up nicely.

Best comment so far is from over at SDA...
"Trump is not clear on what he wants to say. The only way you can understand what he is saying is if you have been following all the issues which most do not."

"Clinton is prepared. What she is saying is BS but she articulates it better than he does."
Exactly how I felt.


LAST WORD: I'm with the Onion...
"Poll: 89% Of Debate Viewers Tuning In Solely To See Whether Roof Collapses"
It's funny... because it's true.