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01 August 2016

The mythical, much loved Kingdom of Pander

Witness, once again, CBC's soft bigotry of extremely low expectations...
Laboucan and Grey, according to their families, friends and former teacher, were EXCEPTIONAL in many ways... "They were never involved with drugs or drinking." •••

The fact that both teens finished high school (Laboucan was the only member of his graduating class this spring) was "a big deal."
So, Rick, Roberta... correct me if I'm misreading here... aren't you actually saying that these two individuals were such standouts... because they weren't like the rest of their illiterate, substance-abusing peers?

If the local cops were saying stuff like this, "The National" would be calling it racial profiling and demanding for heads to roll.


UPDATE: Killed by his cousin...

No surprise here... despite what CBC is spinning... most aboriginal murder victims knew their killer...
Gladue grew up just down the street from the Laboucan family on the Whitefish Lake First Nation, north of Slave Lake.

RELATED: The standard disingenuous disclaimer...
Chief Robert Grey, an uncle of Cory Grey, said the two deaths have shocked his people.

"Our community is a good community," he said. "This one really does impact the community, because nothing like this ever happens here."
Wait a minute, Chief... what about Cory's brother, your nephew?
Cory Grey was 19 and came from a family of nine children. Her brother Lex Louis Grey was beaten to death on Christmas morning in 2013.
I guess that one slipped the Chief's mind.

And there's much, much, more...
"We've had a lot of tragedy in Atikameg," said Eddie Sargent, who taught both teens at the reserve school. "Four of the students that I've coached and taught in Atikameg have been convicted of murder."
This is indeed a tragedy, but for the Whitefish First Nation... it's also "business as usual."