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01 August 2016

So, if it's really gonna be...

...between Tweedle-dumb and Tweedle-disaster...i'll pass
“For those who really feel they cannot vote for either of the two major party nominees, Johnson is nominally the most visible alternative,” Murray said. “So people are just traveling there without thinking of ideology.”

Third-party candidates have roiled election results winning far less of the vote share. Ralph Nader’s “2.5 percent in Florida was almost certainly the deciding factor” in the 2000 general election.

RELATED: Trump can be a buffoon...

...but Hillary looks you right in the face AND LIES...
"The Washington Post’s fact-checker looked over Clinton’s answer and awarded it four Pinocchios."
And don't get me started on the family "slush fund"...
This follows reports that Laureate Education and Uranium One have paid out (in the tens of millions) to the Clinton Foundation and in return have received immense taxpayer-funded benefits.
Should the Clintons be allowed to get away with it one more time?


RELATED2: Back to first principles...
What’s the first thing out of a Trump voter’s mouth when he’s asked about it?

“I like him because he says what’s on his mind.”
“He’ll say anything.”
“He doesn’t sugar-coat it.”
He says things no one else will say.”

It’s a political movement based on the First Amendment.

LAST WORD: Nurse Ratched is my hero
Do you really think I’d be a good president?

We don’t just look alike. I’m telling you: You don’t want this woman in charge
Read it all.