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08 July 2016

The War on Cops... it's here

This is what happens in a society where only "Black Lives Matter"...gaza in texasFWIW... there are now 5 Dallas cops K.I.A. at the hands of a homegrown Black Power® terrorist group. Think that'll make those "traffic stops" any less tense?
Eleven police officers were shot ambush-style, including five fatally, in Dallas Thursday night by at least two snipers, amid a protest against the recent police shootings of two black men.

The condition of the six wounded officers remains unknown.
When did "Blue Lives" cease to matter?
Chaos erupted just before 9 p.m. when at least two snipers in elevated positions opened fire on officers, who were protecting protesters, police said.
He's been fanning the embers for years now... Louis Gates, Trayvon Martin, Michael Brown, Freddie Gray, to name but a few. He's thrown open borders and refuses to use the phrase "Islamic terrorist." Will the most significant historical event of Barack Obama's presidency be the outbreak of a national "race war?"

Stand by for another huge bump in gun sales courtesy of the Appeaser-in-Chief.


RELATED: CBC, yet again, a little short on details...
"GUNMEN" staged an "ambush-style" attack during a large protest...
This wasn't anything "style"... it was cold-blooded terrorist assassination by a self identified, race based gang of black power thugs who would have been right at home in Chicago, or Baltimore, or Ferguson...

When will the mainstream media grow a pair and call things by their actual names?