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08 July 2016

One of these things... not like the duped againWhy would the mainstream media so blatantly ignore Philando Castile & Lavish Reynolds colourful social media contributions? Take a look for yourself.


RELATED: Why bother with a trial?

The media and the politicians... based solely on this video performance... have already decided to throw the cops involved under the bus...
"Minnesota Governor Mark Dayton said at a press conference there is “every indication” excessive force was used in the shooting and said he does not think Castile would have been shot dead if he was white."
Did the Governor just label Officer Jeronimo Yanez as both a "sociopath" and a "racist?" Based on what exactly? More to the point, what happened to the much ballyhooed "presumption of innocence?"

Remember, this video doesn't start until after the shots have been fired, there is absolutely nothing that shows any of what actually led up to this shooting.

There is only one voice being heard right now and contrary to the sympathetic mainstream media narrative, Lavish Reynolds isn't exactly a model citizen.scammerDo yourself a favour. Just close your eyes and listen to the audio. After seeing a man shot multiple times right beside her, Lavish Reynolds whips out her phone and begins an eerily calm & condemnatory exposition that sounds like it came from a bad highschool play.
"We got pulled over for a busted tail light in the back," Reynolds said. “They killed my boyfriend. He’s licensed he’s carried so he’s licensed to carry. He was trying to get out his ID and his wallet out his pocket and he let the officer know that he was that he had a firearm and he was reaching for his wallet and the officer just shot him."
The officer, in direct juxtaposition, is extremely upset and appears to be in a state of disbelief about what just happened. Only when he realises what the woman is doing, does the cop react...
I told him not to reach for it,” before yelling 'fuck.'
Remember, contrary to the Hollywood narrative, shooting someone is every cops worst nightmare. Just listen to the audio a couple of times and tell me something here doesn't stink to high heaven.

It has been widely reported that Philando had a valid CCW, but I've yet to hear that from any official source. If this is so, his apparent connection to the Crips street gang suggests a less than vigorous screening process in the state of Minnesota.

Hopefully the officer was wearing a bodycam and we'll get to see the whole story.