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20 July 2016

The capricious & unknowable "Will of Allah"

Remember back in the day, you'd see an eight year old girl wearing shorts and your thoughts would turn to murder?

YEAH... ME NEITHERinshallah
"According to local reports, the motive of the attack is unclear but the man had allegedly made references about the females being ‘too lightly dressed’. It is believed the woman and her daughters were wearing shorts and T-shirts at the time of the stabbing."
Think stuff like this couldn't happen here in Justin (Hair That Walks Like A Man) Trudeau's Canada? When's the last time you visited Ottawa's Byward Market?soft target just like nice
"Police have charged both Mohamed Hamed Mohamed, 26, and Ali Abbari, 21, in connection to those stabbings. They face charges of aggravated assault, assault with a weapon and failure to comply. Both are from Ottawa."
In this uncertain political climate, the Byward Market is just another "soft target" I'll be scratching off my visiting list.

Paranoid, you say? Tell that to the good folk of Nice, France.


LAST WORD: "They call it the end times"...
"Do you think they make this shit up? It's all in the book. Their fucking book. The only book they ever read - they read it all the time. They never stop."

"What do you think the be-headings are about? The crucifixions in Deir Hafer, the revival of slavery?"

"They're there for one reason and one reason only: to die for the Caliphate and usher in a world without infidels. That's their strategy and it's been that way since the seventh century.

Do you really think that a few special forces teams are going to put a dent in that?"
Wake up and smell the stone-age theocracy.