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20 July 2016

Dear "professional" journalists...

PARIS (Reuters) - Armed protesters fired at police, LIGHTLY WOUNDING FIVE, during overnight confrontations in an area north of Paris over the death of a young man in police custody, local officials said on Wednesday.
See, Skippy... this is exactly what I'm talking about.

The moment you pull out a gun and shoot at police, you are no longer a "protestor"... you're a homicidal maniac.

And please, please, please Mr Reuters... explain to me the difference between shooting and "lightly wounding." Do police officers ever "lightly wound" criminals?

With apologies to the Dixie Chicks, just... "'Shut up and Drive', er... do the fucking math."


RELATED: And all you unprofessionals...

...I'm talking to you too.


UPDATE: Black Lives Splatter!

Reader Bill E. writes...
SEATTLE -- A 35-year-old homeless black man, Chikwanha Eastling Nyashanu is being held on $500,000 bail after he pointed a gun at a white man's face and demanded he apologize for all the things white people did to black people, according to charges filed with King County Superior Court.
Homeless but strapped. Gotta have priorities, I guess.