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26 July 2016

That's the worst kind of discrimination...

...the kind against me...

Vehicle stop, dark night... all alone and seconds to decide if that's a gun or a cellphone.

Too late, you're dead.good kill
"The reporter asked BLM's Jarrett Maupin what conclusions he’d drawn from the experience. 'I didn’t understand how important compliance was,' said Maupin. 'But after going through this, yeah, my attitude has changed.'"

"This is all unfolding in 10 to 15 seconds. People need to comply with the orders of law enforcement officers — for their own sake."

RELATED: Senior Citizens Lives Matter
I don’t doubt there is racial bias in policing. There is also sex and age bias. In the last decade, my mother, 91, and I, 66, have sometimes interacted with EMS, including police (not that we ourselves had done anything of note). The rule seems to be: Old ladies are sort of cute. No one expects us to be armed (we aren’t). We have opinions, which we are allowed to express, but our opinions don’t matter.
Too true.