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25 July 2016

Ask a "Professional" Journalist

"Tut, tut, old boy... it's bloody obvious you cannot trust the dastardly Hun"...bowing to our new islamic overlordsIf only there were some alternative way to learn about... wait a minute...honest, unfiltered**********

RELATED: The "New Normal"
"Well this is all going very well isn’t it? I refer of course to the totally unforeseeable, impossible to predict wave of attacks in Germany and elsewhere across the continent in recent days."
Coming soon to a Canadian neighbourhood near you.


UPDATE: Imagine what could have happened...
"Security guard Pascal Bohm said Mohammad Daleel seemed nervous and frantic as he loitered outside the venue after he had been rejected. The attack could have killed many of the 2,500 concert goers if the bomber managed to get inside."
We won't be able to dodge the bullet forever.