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01 July 2016

From our bloodsoaked, overflowing...

..."Nothing to do with Islam" file...will of allah
Hallel Yaffa Ariel died of her wounds hours after a 17-year-old Palestinian high school dropout from a neighboring village jumped the fence into the settlement, broke into her home and fatally stabbed her.

"It’s impossible to imagine the amount of hatred needed to stab a 13-year-old girl in her bed."
Once again, the capricious and unknowable "Will of Allah" paints the walls and ceiling with the blood of innocents...
"I trained my daughter to love, you trained your son to kill."
Meanwhile, in other "nothing to do with Muslims" news...
Bangladeshi military officials told CNN the attackers used guns, explosive devices and "a lot of sharp domestic weapons,” and that all hostages killed were foreigners.

The Islamic State in Iraq and Syria have claimed credit for the attack, but U.S. officials were not certain
Dear CBC... I challenge you to try turn these atrocities into yet another of your Islamophobia fairy tales.

C'mon... you know you wanna.
Why is it every time a bad Muslim murders people, we start worrying about good Muslims’ feelings? Shapiro and Crowder already did a great job of refuting the extremist-minority myth. When calculating those numbers, you discover that an alarming number of “moderates” think “suicide bombing is sometimes or often justified.” With young American Muslims, it’s one in four.
Of course, professional journalists won't be deterred by puny facts and actual statistics.