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30 June 2016

That Slippery, Lubed & Extra-ribbed slope

Wynne government to set up mandatory "Heteronormative Penis Registry"...
Ontario is introducing gender-neutral driver's licences and health cards. Beginning in early 2017, drivers will be able to select X, instead of an M for male or F for female for their licences. The Liberal government says it is making these changes "to ensure the fair, ethical and equitable treatment of people with trans and non-binary gender identity."
Mr Spock was wrong... "The needs of the many do not begin to outweigh the needs of the statistically insignificant" at all.

Yup... "Don't ask, don't tell, don't care Sugar Bear." I can't wait for Queen's Park to strike down that horrific, tyrannical "Same Species Marriage" nonsense.


RELATED: Remember, the only acceptable narrative here... our Kaucasian, Khristian Kanadian Islamophobia...
When the Toronto-area man, who is not only gay but also Muslim, learned that the gunman in the Orlando nightclub had professed his allegiance to ISIS, he says he collapsed in disbelief. Hours later, still reeling and heartsick, the 27-year-old, who spoke to CBC News on condition that his real name not be used, took to Facebook to express a pain he thought few would understand.

He worries, too, that the larger problem of hate against the LGBT community will be overshadowed by the focus on the shooter's specific beliefs.
Yeah, like the Canadian media would let that happen.


BONUS CONTENT: National broadcaster's planned weeklong orgy...

...of firearms hysteria abruptly cancelled at last moment...
Windsor police say no guns were stolen from a west-end Canadian Tire after all. Police say that after conducting an inventory, store officials told investigators all firearms are accounted for and none is missing. Police originally said several guns were missing.
Oh, thank the goddess, we're not all gonna die after all.