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03 May 2016

Remember Prime Minister Care Bear's...

...promise to vet all those Syrian refugees?

millionaire trust fund baby
OTTAWA -- People with serious criminal records and others using potentially phoney addresses are among those who managed to secure Canadian citizenship, thanks to a system that doesn't do enough to root out fraud, the auditor general has found.

In one instance, it took seven years for officials to cotton on to the fact a single address had been used by at least 50 different applicants during overlapping time periods. Of the 50, seven became Canadian citizens.

RELATED: Just not ready...
To the Canadian government, I’m told to tell you to meet the demand. I don’t know what you’re doing, but you’re not doing anything for us. John has been sacrificed, his family has been decimated, and I’m not sure why or what you’re waiting for.
Don't worry though... Justin'll save the Demarais family.