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02 May 2016

Heads they Wynne...

...tails we bend over and grab our ankles...
The scale of the waste is so large as to be almost incomprehensible, which may explain why Ontario’s Auditor-General Bonnie Lysyk’s report was a one-day news wonder when it landed last December. Once the count gets into the hundreds of billions, the mind goes numb. If the province announced construction of the Burning Money Biomass Plant, fuelled by bales of five and 10-dollar bills, it probably wouldn’t be capable of destroying $170-billion.

Nearly a decade later, this week’s leaked document on its upcoming greenhouse-gas strategy suggests Kathleen Wynne’s government has not learned from her predecessor Dalton McGuinty’s mistakes. Glen Murray, a minister with more enthusiasm than knowledge, is in charge of the environmental file; last time around, George Smitherman was the designated enthusiast. Ontarians should be worried.
If you voted Liberal since the turn of the century... you lost your right to bitch about the cost of electricity.


LAST WORD: Have Ontarians given up?
Ontarians are to believe, therefore, that it’s just a coincidence that the Liberal party’s biggest donors also happen to be the government’s greatest beneficiaries: that the Liberals are somehow impervious to influence from wealthy stakeholders and capable of receiving partisan donations with one hand, and impartially signing off on corporate subsides and contracts with the other.
I got nuthin'.