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19 May 2016

Not female, not pregnant... word on ethnicity... I'm surprised it even made the paper...
He is the city's 30th murder victim of the year. Last year at this time there were 15 homicides in Toronto.
Whaddaya wanna bet this guy doesn't get a special press conference from the Chief of Police?


UPDATE: Murder Victim Id'd

And it sounds as though he was living on borrowed time...
Ramsey Whitefish, the city’s 30th murder victim of the year, was found lifeless in a pool of blood on Gloucester St. just after midnight Wednesday. Back on April 1, 2004, he was among a small group of friends partying in a Sherbourne St. apartment — a booze-fueled night that ended with the vicious killing of Mariana Ivancicevic.
Live and don't learn... and don't live.