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18 May 2016

Hey, Canada...

How do you like your immaculately coiffed feminist manchild now?
“I have never seen any member of the House act towards another member or members as he just did,” Julian said. “Physical force in this House is never permitted, it is never welcome, and it is entirely inappropriate.”
No, you dumbstick... it's not inappropriate... IT'S CRIMINAL.
NDP MP Ruth Ellen Brosseau said, “I was elbowed in the chest by the prime minister, and then I had to leave. It was very overwhelming. I missed the vote because of this."

Trudeau refused to speak with reporters as he left Parliament and simply said he would “talk about it later.”
Hey, the first rule of "fight club" is that you don't talk about "fight club." Waiting for all kinds of excuses from the mainstream media in three, two...


RELATED: Just not ready...
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau was accused of "manhandling" Opposition Whip Gord Brown and elbowing NDP MP Ruth Ellen Brosseau in the House of Commons as MPs gathered for a vote on the government's assisted-dying bill Wednesday afternoon.

The prime minister later said he felt Brown was talking too slowly ahead of the vote.
Don't upset the God-King, ye lesser mortals.


LAST WORD: Be careful what you wish for...
Tom Mulcair, the New Democratic Party leader, also sounded the alarm, saying the Tories “on their worst daydidn’t try to stifle democracy in the way the Grits are now attempting.
Missing bad ol' Stephen Harper yet?