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01 March 2016

Hoofbeats, Horses & Zebras... again

I'm sure this makes me "A Bad Person™"... but when I heard reports of a woman meandering through the streets of Moscow with a bloody, dripping severed head, my thoughts most decidedly did not immediately turn to Lutherans, Jehovah's Witnesses or even those hateful freaks at the Westboro Baptist Church...the child killersChalk up another one for the Religion of (Severed) Pieces.


RELATED: In other "not about Islam" news
A handwritten will by Osama bin Laden said he had a fortune of "about 29 million dollars" and that most of it should be spent "on Jihad," according to documents released by the U.S. government on Tuesday.

FROM THE COMMENTS: Is morality relative?
"bill elder says... US and NATO based black ops have their share of atrocities"
And Bill has a point...
Asked about the strike that killed 16-year-old American citizen Abdulrahman al-Awlaki, Robert Gibbs, a senior adviser to President Obama's reelection campaign suggests he should've "had a more responsible father."
Remember, this is the same President who freed Omar Khadr from Gitmo and shoved him down Canada's throat.


It would be unfair to blame religion. Most religious people tend to not be violent.
Hmmm... perhaps you need to do a little more research...
ONE MILLION MUSLIMS Attend Funeral of Terrorist Who Assassinated Moderate Lawmaker Who Defended Christians