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22 February 2016

Startling new evidence...

...that prolonged exposure to rap can cut your IQ in temperature iq
"Hate it or love it, 50 Cent is going to have to explain all those Benjamins. In case anyone still doubted his financial woes, the rapper also posted a photo of the word 'BROKE' spelled out in 100 dollar bills."
And poor "Fiddy" is not the only suffering artiste...deluded
One crowdfunding campaign has actually taken off, with 89 people raising a total of $588 by Wednesday morning. That gets West 0.001109433% of the way there.

“We must open our hearts and wallets for Kanye today,” wrote page creator Jeremy Piatt.
Must we? Hey, if you millennial asshats can put a snowboard instructor in charge of a whole country, I guess anything is possible.
"Instead of reflecting on the enormity of what lay ahead, he was sitting in on a hush-hush photo shoot and interview with the American glamour magazine Vogue..."
Time to go inventory the MREs and the ammo... later, alligator.