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23 February 2016

Remember, this is Ontario...

If people want to steal your stuff... you have to stand there and watch them do it.

And let's not forget beautiful British Columbia...
"I’ve also met a lot of ex-homeless guys at AA meetings, including a few Main and Hastings refugees. They hadn’t been homeless because the Vancouver City Council was packed with miserly Tories or because there was a depression or a recession (in many case, there was neither). They were homeless because having a home—and a job and a wife and bills, living the “straight” life—had been leeching precious time, money, and energy away from their addictions, not to mention their criminal enterprises and overall compulsion to be assholes, just cuz."

RELATED: Manitoba - The Game of Thrones province
Li said he heard the voice of God telling him to kill the young carnival worker or "die immediately." Li repeatedly stabbed McLean who unsuccessfully fought for his life. As passengers fled the bus, Li continued stabbing and mutilating the body before he was arrested.
Well, actually, Vince Li decapitated McLean, cut pieces off his body and ate them... but heck, if you can't say something nice... right?

If Vince Li/ Will Baker beheads someone else can we charge his doctors with complicity in a homicide?


LAST WORD: PEI beats stiff competition...
"The province won after it printed up a 180,000 copies of a tourism guide with a front cover that featured a nice beach scene with a woman and man, who was sporting an erection."
Comment of the week...
"This story has lasted more than 4 hours. Should he not be seeing a doctor?"