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16 February 2016

My Melting Pot overfloweth

Tell me again how all these Syrian refugees are gonna fit seamlessly into Canadian society...
A cab company in Newfoundland has been ordered to pay a visually impaired woman $5,000 in compensation after three of its drivers refused to offer service to her and her service dog.
That's so strange, I mean Canadians in general and Newfies specifically, well... they love their dogs, they're like members of the family. Why would anyone refuse... wait a minute... what do those infamous Islamophobes over at the Canadian National Institute for the Blind have to say?
When it comes to cabs, many companies point out that drivers who are Muslim do not want contact with dogs because Islamic tradition sees them as unclean. But critics argue that carrying dogs comes with the job description for taxi drivers.
Is this Muslim/Dog argle-bargle even a real thing?
Jamal Badawi, a Halifax Imam and religious studies professor emeritus at St. Mary’s University, said there is nothing in the Qur'an or Muslim teachings that says dogs are to be avoided.
Hmmm... that isn't stopping the Islamic "community" from using it to avoid security checks the rest of us have to go through...
POLICE sniffer dogs trained to spot terrorists at railway stations may no longer come into contact with Muslim passengers – after complaints that it is against the suspects’ religion.
You wouldn't know any of this stuff if you read the Canadian Press or Globe & Mail... because they won't ever use the "M" word. They're happy to leave readers with the impression that Newfies are terminal dickheads.

In other multi-culti news...
Months after a Toronto woman filed a human rights complaint against Omar Mahrouk, a Muslim barber who would not give her a haircut, the issue has been quietly resolved. Ms. McGregor filed a complaint with the Ontario Human Rights Tribunal last June after she was denied a haircut because it is against the barbers’ religion to touch a woman.
"Quietly resolved," huh? Not like when they stuck it up Guy Earle's infidel ass to the tune of $17,000.

And, finally... speaking of "overfloweth"...sticks and stones and fingers...
Toilet routines differ, and Islamic culture has detailed toilet etiquette. Islamic countries traditionally use water to wash. The website lists 20 rules and practices "to be followed when answering the call of nature." One rule stipulates using fingers to clean oneself, and "if there are still traces," washing them with water. Cleaning the private parts "with stones and similar materials" is regarded as an "acceptable substitute for cleaning them with water."

Other rules forbid talking, singing, smoking or reading the paper while on the toilet. People are also advised to enter the bathroom left foot first, while exiting with the right.
Sunni ways, my friends... sunni ways.