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17 February 2016

Government by... "Once upon a time..."

Never mind the billions of taxpayer dollars Prime Minister Care Bear is pissing away daily... it's LOOK HERE, LOOK HERE, we have a cultural genocide on our hands!!!
Canada's minister for the status of women, Patty Hajdu, suggests [via anecdotal evidence supplied by aboriginal activists] the number of missing and murdered indigenous women could be as high as 4,000, but (and I'm quoting verbatim here) "a dearth of hard data" means it's all but impossible to pinpoint an accurate figure.
Hmmm... a "dearth of hard data," Patty? For true?

You mean like that unsubstantiated argle-bargle that some "Social Justice Warrior" just pulled out of her capacious, sainted, yet uberly-objective ass? You just might want to do a little more research...
A 2014 report by the RCMP concluded 1,017 aboriginal women had been slain between 1980 and 2012, and that another 164 were considered missing.
This report, of course, is utterly unacceptable. Apparently, the rookie minister is convinced the RCMP is is fiddling the books, her theory being that police departments will lowball murders because, well... racism.
Hajdu, who represents Thunder Bay–Superior North, said the 4,000 number is more believable because there is a history of police underreporting homicides, or failing to investigate suspicious deaths.
I dunno, Patty... if I'm a high ranking police bureaucrat, it's way more likely I'm gonna push these statistics as high as possible, to reinforce my case for a larger operating budget in the next fiscal year.

Regardless, the Natural Governing Party has decided instead, to go with the anecdotal "evidence" (a contradiction in terms if I ever heard one) supplied by, surprise, surprise... an aboriginal lobby group.
"Very often many families, because of negative interactions in the past, because of racism, have not in fact reported when a loved one goes missing," Dawn Lavell-Harvard, the president of Native Women's Association of Canada said in an interview with CBC News on Monday.
How does that even make sense? You don't report a crime because, what... the cops might solve it?

To further confuse the issue, perennial weeper and Librano spokes-dupe Carolyn Bennett then issued a statement that directly contradicted Ms. Lavell-Harvard...
Minister of Indigenous and Northern Affairs Carolyn Bennett said many families of missing or murdered indigenous women want police to dust off cold cases, or actually launch investigations.
So, which is it ladies... we won't report crimes... or we are working frantically to get the cops get off their asses and investigating?


RELATED: Missing aboriginal women, huh?

I wonder if we could find any other statistics that shed light on this troubling issue?
Sapers pointed to statistics that show the total number of people incarcerated in federal institutions went down by 12 per cent between 1996 and 2004. But the number of native inmates increased 21 per cent in the same period.

The figures were even more dramatic for native women, whose numbers rose by a startling 74 per cent.