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09 February 2016

Maybe she should consider...

...molesting an intern with a cigar...karma
"They better worked this shit out fast because who ever the Republicans pick is going to be 29 times tougher than Bernie."
I mean... it's not like it hurt Bill in the long run.

As for Hillary's so-called "socialist" opponent... apparently, he's flexible...
The socialist trumpets his antiwar record. But he doesn’t mind expensive war machines—if they’re based in his home state. Most notably, he’s supported a $1.2 trillion stealth fighter that’s considered by many to be one of the bigger boondoggles in Pentagon history.
Principles, my arse.


UPDATE: The results are in
Senator Bernie Sanders beat Hillary Clinton among nearly every demographic group in the Democratic New Hampshire primary, according to exit polls. And, though Mrs. Clinton lost nearly every income group, she did carry voters in families earning over $200,000 per year.
So, Hillary supporters are mostly wealthy, elderly white folk. Where are the "social justice warriors" when you really need 'em?


UPDATE2: Dems now eating their young?
The Nation’s Joan Walsh, a frequent MSNBC contributor and high-profile Hillary supporter is suggesting that white working class Democrats have moved away from Hillary because she served in the cabinet of a black president. This is a bizarre strategy from Team Hillary, especially after the catastrophic results from New Hampshire Tuesday night, where Hillary lost the woman vote to 195 year-old socialist Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT).

To their face, Hillary asks for their votes and pledges to make their lives better. Behind their back, Team Clinton is smearing working class Democrats as racist
Yet again... snatching defeat from the jaws of victory.


LAST WORD: As warm as Hillary herself...
Cameras caught top Hillary Clinton aide Huma Abedin apparently shoving away a woman who tried to hug her after Thursday’s Democratic presidential debate.
The mask slips yet again.