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09 February 2016

If everyone around you... a complete and utter @sshole... maybe it is you...

take your pickgoing publicSunny ways, right?


RELATED: Ghomeshi-quiddick

What I find intriguing is that a lot of women, Mrs Neo included, are much less sympathetic to "Jian's Pawns" than many men... mostly because they can't imagine, in their wildest fantasies, taking that kind of abuse from man, woman or minister care bear
"As I wrote here a year ago: Jian Ghomeshi was what passes for a superstar up here in the Great White North, and at 49, what passes for 'young' at the CBC."
I'm a little more sympathetic than Kathy, or my wife, but a good read nonetheless.


FROM THE COMMENTS: Slick, sly and dangerous
Scaramouche has an interesting link on Gian's modus operandi. Apparently he encouraged the women to send provocative emails, etc., (while, on the phone, being very reassuring) which he would save so he could discredit them.
Interesting doesn't quite cover it. The more I hear about this sort of sociopathic behaviour, the more I think Ghomeshi should be locked up.
Three other women told me similar stories, supported by evidence, of manipulation and entrapment. Ghomeshi would establish an electronic paper trail before the alleged violence took place and would make efforts to continue a correspondence afterwards. It followed a pattern.
Indeed, it did.