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14 January 2016

Unlike boring policy-wonk Harper...

...I bet the last book Justin actually read and understood... featured a little red fire truck.

In fact, my guess is... Prime Minister "Selfie" thinks that "Pinochet" is an insouciant little red that goes well with prime rib... I mean, how else to explain his choice of governments that he most admires...
The regime has lately escalated its brutal persecution of trade unionists, human rights activists and journalists. Xi has ordered a full-on redoubling of the state’s insidious surveillance and censorship machinery. Five employees of Hong Kong’s Mighty Current Media, which specializes in fiercely critical books about China’s Communist Party apparatchiks, have gone missing, believed to have been “disappeared” by Beijing’s secret police. Last week, Peter Dahlin, the Swedish co-founder of the Chinese Urgent Action Group (CUAG), was arrested in Beijing, and embassy officials have been denied access to him.

China’s economy may well be at the cusp of a total meltdown — something good sense would want Canada insulated from, not more dangerously exposed to. Instead of public candour, there have been cozy chats between conveniently unnamed members of Trudeau’s inner circle and friendly national media personalities about what a lovely arrangement a Canada-China free trade deal would be. The dynastic Liberal Desmarais family has been “consulted,” of course. The Canada China Business Council’s (CCBC) Peter Harder, after having managed the Trudeau team’s “transition” into the Prime Minister’s Office, is readily at hand for background briefings.
And, as far as green credentials go, China is on the "raze and salt the earth" side of the ecological equation...
Last year, China boosted its new coal power plant capacity by more than 50 per cent, and Beijing approved 155 new coal-fired power plants, and now China is building coal plants for export.
Of course, that isn't going to stop Justin from jumping into bed with these conscienceless criminals...
If that’s the kind of regime that Trudeau’s shiny new Liberals want to embrace in a free trade agreement, then fine, let’s have this conversation. But a little less of the sanctimonious hogwash about sunny ways, and a hell of a lot less of the cheap propaganda, please.
Don't blame me... I didn't vote for him.