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14 January 2016

Further to the Black Hole Chronicles

suckass political correctness
Folks in a central New York village want to keep the community's official logo, which appears to show a white man choking a Native American, even though critics call it racist.

In a non-binding vote Monday night, residents of Whitesboro -- a village of about 3,700 in Oneida County -- voted 157-55 to not change their current seal.

The Whitesboro website says the emblem dates to the early 1900s and depicts a friendly wrestling match between village founder Hugh White and an Oneida Indian.

It says White won the match and the lasting goodwill of the Oneidas.

RELATED: In other "racist white people" news...

Imagine if Lady Justice were actually blind...
Efforts to try to curb the high numbers don't seem to be working, including a Supreme Court decision that encourages courts to take aboriginal history into account when sentencing individuals.

In the Prairie provinces, 48 per cent of federal inmates are aboriginal people.
What would that number would actually be if there wasn't a special initiative to keep aboriginals from feeling the full and equal weight of the law?


LAST WORD: A sure sign of the End Times...
The therapy animals-everywhere trend has reached a new milestone after an unknown passenger was successfully able to bring an emotional support turkey aboard a Delta Airlines flight.

Two images of the bird were purportedly taken by flight crew and then uploaded to the website Reddit. They show the animal being wheeled to the gate in a wheelchair — and then taking a seat in the aircraft’s Comfort+ section.

Delta Airlines confirmed that they indeed let the turkey aboard, saying it fell under the category of “emotional support animals” and “psychiatric service animals” they are required to carry by law.
I got nuthin'.