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21 January 2016

Thin edge of the wedge

Kathleen Wynne's Liberals shelling out for colleges that she, the Premier of Ontario, wouldn't be allowed to attend...
TORONTO -- Two publicly funded Ontario colleges have opened campuses in Saudi Arabia that don't allow women, and the province's minister of post-secondary education says it's up to schools to decide which students to admit.

Colleges and Universities Minister Reza Moridi said decisions on the operation of a campus, including student composition, are up to each college's board of governors.
Good use of taxpayer monies?
Jack Wilson of OPSEU local 415 at Algonquin said the college's board of governors fell into an awkward silence after one member asked how comfortable they were establishing a Saudi campus that would teach only men.

"You could see that people didn't think this question was going to be asked," Wilson said in an interview.

UPDATE: Wynne shocked, shocked I say...
Colleges and Universities Minister Reza Moridi, who had earlier said it was up to colleges to determine the student makeup on their campuses, said Thursday he was concerned that women were excluded from the Ontario-run campuses.

Wynne says she told Moridi to meet with the two colleges as soon as she found out about the situation, which she says has “got to change.”

RELATED: Meanwhile, Kathleen Wynne's soulmate... busy looting the Treasury...
OTTAWA -- The federal budget watchdog says the Liberals' tax-bracket changes will drain on average about $100 million more per year from the public treasury than the government expects.

The Liberals had initially projected the adjustments -- which include the creation of a new, upper bracket -- to be revenue-neutral. But last month they acknowledged the plan will actually lower government revenues by more than $8.2 billion over six years.

The parliamentary budget office now says that figure will be $8.9 billion.