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21 January 2016

Sit back and relax, Canada

The Liberal Party will do all your thinking for you...
Federal immigration minister John McCallum noted there were parts of the country that were "crying out for more refugees."
Hmmm... McCallum, McCallum... that sounds so familiar...
"I don't plan any treatment. I said I didn't have a drinking problem. I think it's the sixth day I've had nothing to drink, and I'm doing this exercise. I'm on a bit of a health kick. I'm feeling great."


RELATED: Islamophobia Alert!!!

It seems not everybody supports Justin's impassioned defence of the hijab...
"Police in the central Asian state of Tajikistan have forcibly shaved nearly 13,000 men and ‘convinced’ 1,700 women to remove their headscarves in a bid to eradicate radical Islam in the country."
Singapore on Wednesday said it had arrested and deported 26 Bangladeshi construction workers for forming a religious study group that spread the ideology of al-Qaeda and the Islamic State group. The announcement of the arrests came after the Islamic State group claimed responsibility for an attack in Jakarta last Thursday that left four civilians and four attackers dead.
Oh, wait...
Egyptian authorities have intensified a crackdown on dissent ahead of next week's anniversary of the country's 2011 Arab Spring uprising, with police checking social media accounts and raiding apartments seeking any sign of plans for organized protests. Late Thursday, a bomb went off during a raid on a home in Cairo's twin city of Giza where militants were preparing explosives, killing six people including at least three policemen and one civilian, and wounding 13 people, police said in a statement.

LAST WORD: Bad hair day for PM Selfie?
MONTREAL — The husband of one of the Quebecers killed in the Burkina Faso terrorist attack says he hung up on Justin Trudeau when the prime minister called him earlier this week. Yves Richard tells Montreal radio station 98.5 FM he was frustrated about what he called Trudeau's platitudes during their conversation Monday.

Richard says he told Trudeau to hug his wife and children and that he then put down the phone on the prime minister.
But wait, it gets worse...
After failed efforts to get information from Ottawa, he received the news he dreaded from a nun with the religious order hosting Carrier and other family members during their volunteer mission.

He said he reached the nun on her cell phone, and she was hysterical. “She was at the morgue, and she told me they were all gone.”
Your government in action.