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13 November 2015

C'mon precious... you didn't actually think...

...the Liberals were gonna start doing any of that crazy stuff they promised...
Since the October 19 federal election, that saw the Trudeau Liberals defeat the Harper Conservatives, Canadian fighter jets have conducted air strikes 11 times in Iraq, destroying Islamic State fighting positions and ammunition caches.

The Canadian military says CF-18s will continue to fly in support of the air campaign against the Islamic State jihadists until it’s ordered to stand down.
So what's our fearless PILF saying?
“I made it very clear that it is Canada’s intention to withdraw from the bombing mission... We will have more to announce in the coming weeks.”
Speaking of soldiers...
"Gee, those Liberal promises are already disappearing. The new Veterans Affairs Minister, Kent Hehr says Canadians must have misheard if they think the Liberals are committed to re-opening the nine veterans offices they explicitly promised to re-open during the campaign."
Sure, Justin, the cheque is in the mail. Anyway, you're obviously way too busy poisoning the St Lawrence River to pick up a phone and talk to anyone in the military.


RELATED: Oh, yeah... those refugees...

...we're gonna do something or other...
Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Minister John McCallum said Thursday that he and the rest of the cabinet had a "very good discussion" about how to resettle 25,000 refugees in Canada and provide "quick and substantial help to some of the most distressed people on the planet."

But neither he nor other ministers gave specific details of how the Liberals plan to get the refugees to Canada before year's end or where they will house them once they arrive.

McCallum said more details would be forthcoming in the "near future."
Real change, my hairy white arse.


LAST WORD: A promise kept?
Justice Minister Jody Wilson-Raybould is expected to formally withdraw the federal government's request for an appeal of a court decision that had a huge impact on the recent federal election campaign.
The niqab thing, right. The one area where the public consistently polled over 80% support for the Conservatives position.

Go figure.