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13 November 2015

Because it's 2015

“If you don’t like a costume someone is wearing, look away, or tell them you are offended. Talk to each other. Free speech and the ability to tolerate offence are the hallmarks of a free and open society,” Christakis wrote.

That was too much for some Yale undergraduates to bear. A video showed a calm Christakis being attacked by students.
It seems especially fitting that these events are kicking off just as we begin the reign of Emperor Justinian the first.

But wait... there's more...
“We have a lot to do as a college and a community. Would you be willing to talk to me about these issues?” Assistant Vice President and Dean of Students Mary Spellman wrote in her email. “They are important to me and the DOS staff and we are working on how we can better serve students, especially those that don’t fit our CMC mold.”

Those last words—“CMC mold”—kickstarted a campaign to force Spellman out.

LAST WORD: A little unclear on the concept...
The editor in chief of a college newspaper turned media away from a protest Thursday afternoon, the Chicago Tribune reported. “Hey, no media in the circle,” Ryan Sorrell, editor of Loyola University Chicago’s Black Tribune, said as he held his hand up to a cameraman. “Sorry, man. You’re good, but just not in the circle.”

The only publication reportedly allowed into the circle was his own. Like protesters at University of Missouri, students at Loyola formed a human chain around a protest site to keep the press out.
I got nuthin'.