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05 October 2015

When David Suzuki... his magnum opus, "A Matter of Survival" warned the nation...
"There are too many of us; we consume too much; we pollute too much..."
I guess he wasn't thinking about his own five children.

Similarly, when Professor SaintZuki lectures the hoi-polloi about their egregious carbon footprint, he likewise exempts his own extensive real estate portfolio.
Suzuki, who's made a name for himself fighting for the environment and against development, owns four homes, including one property he co-owns with a fossil fuels company.

His primary abode is a sprawling mansion in the Kitsilano neighbourhood of Vancouver, worth approximately $8.2 million.
But, hey... it gets better...
Saint Suzuki despises lobbyists, and says they have a disproportionate control of political power in Ottawa. But Secret Suzuki himself has nine paid lobbyists registered in Ottawa’s lobbyist registry. Not one. Nine.
If you can herd the notoriously complacent Canucki sheeple, thar's gold in them there eco-hills.