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05 October 2015

On building the inevitable wall

If you vacation in Mexico... you're part of the problem...
"It’s clear as glass by the end that Mexico is no more prepared to emerge from its quagmire of crookedness, crime, armed conflict and poverty than it was when I was a kid. Yet somehow, despite it all, the enormous tourism industry is still flourishing."
Who cares, huh? As long as the cerveza flows and the sun keeps shining.
You can still go down there on holiday if you want, but don’t watch Cartel Land on the plane, and don’t take the kids.
Still think Trump is a racist?


I was no fan of the largely fictional "Zero Dark Thirty", but watched the documentary "Cartel Land" the other night and it's a tour de force.

The inescapable conclusion is that, once you rise above the ranks of ordinary Jose Citizen, there are no good guys left.

Horrifying & informative.