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01 October 2015

Racist, knuckle-draggin' Conservatives... that xenophobic Stephen Harp...wait a minute...
Can Canada be anti-immigrant while setting new records in immigration? Last year Canada led the G7 in population growth, and 60% of it was from immigration.
Hmmm... what we need here is an expensive, complicated solution to a non-existent problem...trudopeYet another Justin brainwave.


BREAKING: Euro-Pop Quiz

Who was it that said, "let me in, or I'll blow your house down?"
"Eurotunnel services were suspended on Saturday after more than 200 migrants broke into its French terminal in a 'massive and organised' assault."
They don't recognise your borders, they couldn't care less about your laws.

They find your religion and cultural norms disgusting.

This isn't about charity & human kindness anymore.

It's an invasion.