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01 October 2015

I'm with Chuck Darwin...

...inevitably, some less capable members of the herd are gonna fall by the wayside.

Or, as CTV would have you believe... "Merciless Calgary killer stalking weak-willed, ill spoken dumbasses"...

crack the ripper
"At first, I didn't like it; I'd get sick," he told CTV Calgary. "I kind of just did it because it was always around. Eventually, I got over the sickness of it, and that's when it started to become enjoyable."
Oh my goodness, yes... a crafty, elusive serial killer...
"Fentanyl kills. Fentanyl could be hiding in any drug you're taking."
Good Gawd... you turn the corner and fentanyl bashes you over the head and jumps down your throat.

I have to say, in my many decades on this gawd-forsaken rock I am no stranger to pharmaceuticals, (both legal & other) but I have yet to meet this elusive, merciless killer. What have I been doing right?


UPDATE: Speaking of drugs

For Justin, it's Job #1
"An elected Liberal government would begin working to legalize and regulate marijuana 'right away,'" Justin Trudeau says."
(h/t reader rich)


RELATED: Of course, some of us...

...have other priorities...
"Dear Justin Trudeau and Thomas Mulcair,"
(via SDA)


LAST WORD: Why should Caitlyn Jenner...

...get all the fame?
The psychologist put in numbing eyedrops - acquired by Jewel during a special visit to Canada - and then a couple of drops of drain cleaner in each eye.

Jewel said: "It hurt, let me tell you. My eyes were screaming and I had some drain cleaner going down my cheek burning my skin.

"But all I could think was 'I am going blind, it is going to be okay.'"
Anybody got an extra award of courage hanging around?