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21 August 2015

Somewhere, an unassuming grad student...

...must be polishing their thesis on "Harper Derangement Syndrome"...
You think the prime minister has been slow to act on climate change? You object to his preference for tax restraint over big new spending programs? He’s too pro-Israel, too anti-Putin? You don’t like his voice, face, or haircut?

Vote against him!

But remember at the same time that Canada has posted the best economic record of any G7 country through the worst global economic crisis since the 1930s: more jobs, faster growth, and lower public-sector debt.

To dismiss this record as creeping authoritarianism, and to cite as proof that press conferences are less rowdy than they used to be, is to reveal an appetite for grievance so ravenous that it will swallow anything and pronounce it a meal.
Bravo, Mr Frum.


LAST WORD: Here are the people...

...who show up to riot...

lunatic leftiesSometimes, the real gold is in the reader comments.