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21 August 2015

Nevertheless... FIRE... THEM... ALL...

...and disband the Senate. Think of the tens of millions of dollars you could immediately shift over to healthcare.

As entertaining as all this is to low information voters and political partisans, this is simply how Ottawa works. Ask Liberal Senator Mac Harb.

Or perhaps ask someone who doesn't have a dog in this fight...
“If you want to feel better about Canada, try explaining the Duffy-Wright scandal to someone from another country in one sentence.”
Try as hard as the liberal media might, this simply isn't the end of the world.
"It’s a 'scandalous' donation of private dollars to the public treasury."
If this were a serious attempt to change the grubby "both hands out" culture in the Senate and the House of Commons, surely we would submit every Senator and Parliamentarian to similar scrutiny. No wonder politicians so rarely accomplish anything of note.

Let's call this bullshit what it really is and move on.