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03 August 2015

One Dead Lion

What's the larger problem with the lunatic left... that they cherrypick their tragedies, or that they have no sense of perspective?strange prioritiesBy diverting attention from what is actually happening in the world, this cheap trick "puppies & kittens journalism" obscures the larger issues. This media manufactured outrage saves animals the same way giving spare change to junkies fights drug abuse.

Click on the headline... if you have the stomach for the truth.


RELATED: Let's call it "Cecil Journalism"

Sure, there's an epidemic of black people being murdered. It's just NOT NEWS and it's NOT THE POLICE who are doing it.


LAST WORD: Really concerned about animals?
"Let’s be honest: If not for the ethical objections of Westerners, between Africans and their poaching and Asians and their ridiculous superstitions about the virility power” of eating tiger dicks and bear testes and rhino horns, there’d be far fewer wild animals left in the world today.

The Environmental Investigation Agency estimates that at least one tiger is killed per day for use in Chinese hocus-pocus."
Just another story you won't see on the CBC.