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02 August 2015

It's not like his name is Ford

Whaddaya wanna bet the Toronto Star doesn't stalk Tommy Trotsky from his own backyard?
“I believe that governing is about priorities,” Mulcair said from an outdoor balcony in Gatineau, Que., overlooking the Ottawa River, the iconic Peace Tower looming in the distance.
So what was Mister "Priorities" first big decision of the campaign?

You guessed it...
The election call meant Mulcair dropped Sunday’s Vancouver Pride parade from his schedule.
Apparently, though... the NDP has a solution. If you blow out all the stops, maybe you won't remember that you're not one of Mulcair's priorities...
“As you’ve all heard, it sounds like Stephen Harper is going to drop the writ very shortly. Sadly, this means that Tom Mulcair can no longer attend Pride tomorrow. As the Vancouver Centre candidate this means one thing for me – we’ve got to step it up to fill his absence. That means we need to dance and party harder than we ever have.
Sure, that'll ease the pain. I'm sure there'll be a lot more drinking nationwide when the voters see the NDP's budget numbers.


RELATED: Winding up the machine
The other ad recounts how Mulcair, as a provincial politician, was once offered a bribe by a “disgraced Quebec mayor” which he didn’t accept but also didn’t report to police for 17 years.
Another non-priority I guess.