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01 June 2013

Whip me, organise me...

...make me write hot cheques...never a community organiser around when you really need oneLet's face it... unless somebody sits you down and teaches you not to beat bejesus outta your dearly beloved... shit's just gonna happen.
CHICAGO (CBS) – The head of a publicly funded anti-violence group is now facing charges after allegedly attacking his wife inside their suburban home.
Seems there's never a "community organiser" around when you really need one. Hopefully, this poor fellow will get all the taxpayer funded assistance that he requires.


RELATED: Well, you've gotta understand...

...this is Chicago...
The level of gun violence in Chicago, which has caused shock waves nationally, is continuing with eight people having been shot in the nation’s third largest city in a 24-hour period that ended Friday morning, including one that ended with the death of a 15-year-old boy.

Chicago’s murder rate is widely considered to be fueled by the drug wars that are fought between the city’s network of gangs.

The homicide rate has been largely confined to the city’s south and west areas, African-American bastions of Chicago.
Five years of the Celebrity-in-Chief and this still goes on in his hometown?


While Obama fiddles...
"It's a city with no laws," admits Detroit veteran firefighter Ted Roney. "Nobody cares about anything."
Don't get me started on N'awlins.