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31 May 2013

We don' need no...

...steenkin' justice system...
who needs judges & juries anywayOh my gawd... drugs are one thing, but if I'd known he was a cold-blooded killer...
"And that's not even the whole story. A city hall revolt and murder are also now part of the imbroglio gripping Toronto's local government."
Wow, I can't wait to hear "the whole story." I'm envisioning intimate escapades with livestock, selling young girls & boys into sexual slavery... who knows what other depravity this guy is into?

Apparently only our omniscient friends in the media.

Hmmm... I'm thinking, before this thing is over, Rob Ford may not be the only one who needs a lawyer.


RELATED: Guilty until proven guilty

The Globe and Mail knows what's best for everybody...
Toronto’s mayor Rob Ford must resign, as a matter of principle, as a matter of leadership, and as a matter of good governance. Even if the allegations against him are untrue, that is now beside the point. It is now too late to salvage the effectiveness, not to mention the dignity, of his term as mayor.
Unbelieveable. Even if he's innocent... he's guilty. Stalin could take lessons from these soul-less sack-o-shit scribblers.

In light of this, a fellow blogger has an interesting proposal...
"Imagine the Media Party’s reaction if I were to set up an on-line collection system to hire a private investigator in order look into who Layton’s hooker was."

UPDATE: All of this nonsense...

...can only ASCEND into farce...
they're all twitsJack Layton got caught up in a teen hooker sweep and he's still a media darling.

Anybody else see a pattern here?