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18 May 2013

You're saying what... they're too lazy?

I dunno, sounds a little racist to me...
But Obama said too much of the black community has lost that desire. One in 3 African-Americans are dropping out of high school, she said, and only 1 in 5 between the ages of 25 and 29 has a bachelor’s degree.
Try imagine the media shitstorm if a Republican had tossed this one out there.


RELATED: Is Allah the answer?
Detroit’s problems include high crime, joblessness and abandonment; its budget deficit is about $330 million and rising.

“Suppose we in leadership, the pastors of the city, stop arguing,” he said. “Why shouldn’t we come together and OWN DETROIT?”
Pastors? Does the Nation of Islam have pastors? I thought Islam had Imams.
The group, which promotes black empowerment and nationalism, was rebuilt by Farrakhan in the late 1970s.

He became notorious for calling Judaism a “gutter religion” and suggesting crack cocaine might have been a CIA plot to enslave blacks.
Hmmm... if the NOI "owned" Detroit... would that solve all its problems?

Maybe not...
Conservative religious lawmakers in Afghanistan blocked legislation on Saturday aimed at strengthening provisions for women's freedoms, arguing that parts of it violate Islamic principles and encourage disobedience.

The law criminalizes, among other things, child marriage and forced marriage, and bans "baad," the traditional practice of exchanging girls and women to settle disputes.
Sharia City... a coming Obama initiative?


LAST WORD: Sharia law... the upside

At least you won't need that cumbersome legal system...
The Syrian regime claims there is no civil war in the country but that the army is fighting foreign-backed terrorists trying to topple Assad's government.

More than 70,000 people have been killed in Syria since March 2011.
The capricious, unknowable Will of Allah.