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17 May 2013

Canadian International Development Agency...

...your tax dollars at work...
CIDA will continue to focus on saving the lives of mothers and children by delivering a comprehensive package of health services at the community level to reduce the disease burden, strengthen health systems, and improve nutrition.

In support of the Scaling Up Nutrition movement, we will also accelerate efforts to combat global undernutrition, which accounts for 2.6 million preventable child deaths every year.
And I'm sure every penny of this aid is being used to... wait a minute...
A delivery company in Gaza is transporting Kentucky Fried Chicken from Egypt through underground tunnels for residents. Families order their meals a day in advance, and they are transported to the blockaded region through the Hamas-run tunnel system. Delivery company Alyamama reportedly charges around $35 (£23) for a family meal.
Yet another noteworthy Canada/Hamas collaboration.