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22 April 2013

Protocols of the Elders of 73 Leikin Drive

Nothing like a little multicultural outreach, huh?protocolsI am a little confused, though.

Typically, the politicians and the mainstream media turn cartwheels to disavow any connection between terrorism and Canada's vibrant ethnic communities(TM).
"The 2:30 p.m. background briefing, attended by several prominent Muslim community leaders, was to be followed by a news conference near Toronto’s Pearson airport. In recent years, police have made a point of briefing community leaders BEFORE announcing terror arrests."
Why on earth are "prominent Muslim community leaders" called in ahead of anyone else to these little dog & pony shows?

UPDATE: Bomber's identified
RCMP say two suspects arrested in an alleged terror attack against a Via Rail passenger train had “direction and guidance” from al-Qaida elements in Iran.

The suspects — identified as Chiheb Esseghaier, 30, and Raed Jaser, 35, — were arrested this morning in Montreal and Toronto.

They are not Canadian citizens.
Or even anything close to it, I venture.

Has "Sainted Son of Pierre" commented on the "root causes" inherent to this terrorist plot?
"Chiheb Esseghaier is a 'Graduate researcher at Université de Sherbrooke'."
Oh Canada.


"Would someone please ask Justin about Via 'route' causes???"
This guy was working on his doctorate, but I guess he got a better offer.