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20 April 2013

Let the media beatification begin

Hmmm... how will the MSM handle this one?
oh, the poor little babyI can't wait to see whether the CBC manages to get hold of Dzhokhar Tsarnaev's baby pictures... I mean, the Journo-Canadian community did such a bang-up job with Omar.
oh, isn't he cuteWitness the latest...
"A dedicated wrestler who would return to his high school to mentor younger team members. A class clown who helped a teacher spell and then pronounce his unusual name. A happy if quiet student with plenty of friends."
Why exactly, is all the emphasis placed on the bombers as opposed to the victims? How about a brutally honest photo montage of the almost two hundred traumatic amputations... or a focus on the people Dzhokhar and his brother murdered?

I know, I know... never gonna happen in Justin's Canada.


RELATED: To their credit, the CBC...

...actually stops short of blaming Dick Cheney for the slaughter...
Maret Tsarnaeva, who lives in Toronto, the aunt of the two suspects in the Boston bombings says she doesn't believe they were involved in the crime and says the FBI has no evidence other than pictures of the two young men walking on the street near the finish line.
Another in-depth, conclusive investigation by your national broadcaster.