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20 February 2013

Get real, folks. You can't just...

...rush in there and change a lightbulb...
"Galloway questioned Jones about reports that a security light was not working at the spot where Montaque was shot. There are reports the light had been out for more than a week."

“'There’s a process that we have to go through,' said Jones. 'We have public dollars that we have to protect. There’s a procurement process that we have to go through. We can’t just go up there and pull out a light bulb.'"
Well, that's refreshing. Mr Jones is all about the process and ensuring fiscal respons... wait a minute...
"Meanwhile, where was TCH president and CEO Gene Jones Monday? 'Mr. Jones was not in the Firgrove Crescent community last night. He is out of town at a conference,' explained spokesperson Sinead Canavan."

"At $200,000 a yearwith potential for a 20% bonus — Jones might want to consider getting back here because one thing I have learned in 20 years of covering Toronto’s ghetto drug wars is when one shooting occurs, it is often soon followed by another."
Yup... that's what's important here... the process.


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