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20 February 2013

Another left-wing icon...

...grappling with "health problems"...
playing by chicago rulesRemember... it's not theft... it's "inappropriate use"...
"Historically, there have been members of Congress who either inadvertently or maybe purposefully, but not to this magnitude, used campaign funds inappropriately."

"Documents filed with Jackson Jr.'s plea agreement state that in January 2006, Jackson Jr. personally opened a bank account under the name 'Jesse Jackson Jr. for Congress,' and the following year withdrew $43,350 he used to buy a gold Rolex watch."
And once again, you right-wing knuckle-draggers... it's a sickness, not a felony.


RELATED: Jesse Jackson Jr...

...that sounds so familiar...
"In the end, jurors agreed with prosecutors that Blagojevich had tried to sell the Senate seat in a variety of ways, including an attempt to steer it to U.S. Rep. Jesse Jackson Jr. in exchange for $1.5 million in campaign cash promised by Jackson supporters."