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26 June 2012

Seriously... a serial murderer?

Who could have possibly seen that coming?
"Despite Lamb's vast and varied criminal record (he's amassed more than 100 convictions to date), the judge handed him a major break and ordered him to serve a supervised conditional sentence of 18 months in the community."

"He now stands accused of the serial murders of three Winnipeg women."
In yet another outstanding example of "both sides now" professional journalism, find out why Mr Lamb is so, well... un-law-abiding. Choose between his apparent kidnapping & placement (quote: a politically-motivated "scoop" of aboriginal kids :unquote) with a sadistic white foster family... or the subsequent trauma of discovering that he was born aboriginal (quote: a revelation he described as "overwhelming" and caused him to resume a long-standing cocaine habit :unquote)

Not word one about any of his three "alleged" actual victims.

Nada. Zilch. Zero.


RELATED: It's a "legal" system...

...don't ever confuse that with anything to do with justice...
-- TORONTO -- A cash-strapped clerk who fatally stabbed his 81-year-old neighbour and shopped at her expense will spend at least 15 years in prison, a judge ruled Monday.
Excuse me... a "cash-strapped clerk"... don't you mean sadistic killer? 'Cos that's what I'm seeing here...
Crown attorney Susan Ientile said that Hamadeh exploited a trusting, independent woman and stabbed her more than 91 times, using three different weapons.
What kind of monster could possibly do something like this? Oh, wait... he didn't have enough money... according to professional journo Sam Pazzano.

More to the point... why would anyone ever, after 15 years or 50, consider releasing this guy back out into the field of folk?

Hey, Sam... you forgot to tell us about his childhood.