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26 June 2012

Gotta have priorities, right?

What the heck did politicians actually do... before there were all these compulsory celebrations of varied combinations & intermingling of genitalia?enough with the obligatory rainbows
-- TORONTO -- "City Councillor Janet Davis aid THERE WAS NOTHING MORE IMPORTANT than being at the flag raising Monday."
Of course, Janet... absolutely nothing.


RELATED: All those rainbows & unicorn farts...

...they don't come cheap, you know?
“The problem is there might have been a better place to spend our money where we would have truly had some measurable results that would have saved us more money and done more for the environment,” said Deputy Mayor Doug Holyday, chairman of the audit committee.

“If you can’t tell, how do you know?”
Oh, Doug... you're such a troglodyte.

Just something to think about, folks... the next time you're writing that municipal tax cheque to cover Toronto the Good's nonsensical socialist agenda.


UPDATE: Lunatic left blindsides Mayor
"In a bold move that could relieve gridlock across Toronto, the chair of the TTC is proposing a significant increase in property taxes to pay for a sweeping, 170-kilometre public-transit expansion that would start with a Scarborough subway."
Sure, Torontonians are a generous carefree people... they won't mind 30 billion in extra taxation... to fix Scarborough.