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08 June 2012

I'm sorry, folks... but if you agree... be fooled, then you're part of the problem...
-- TORONTO -- A 40-year-old man who brutally beat a teen hooker into a coma and left her for dead in a snowbank in 1996 is back on the street after serving a “life” sentence.

Police say Jarrar refused to participate in any treatment program or counselling during his incarceration.
So, seriously... in what way, shape or form is this a "life sentence?" Let's stop pretending that such a thing actually exists.

Can anybody else see the writing on the wall here?
After serving "the full duration" of his sentence, he was released into the community Friday under “strict conditions” that require him to report weekly to police and obey a nightly curfew.
You mean like the Eaton Center shooter who was under "house arrest?"

Sleep tight, Toronto.