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08 June 2012

If only it was something important... a surgically manufactured vagina & breasts...
it's a liberal thing
"Take one small child, add a rare disease that threatens to take his sight. Mix with bumbling bureaucrats who’d rather piddle $1 billion down the drain on eHealth and squander millions at Ornge - and what do you get?"

"A heartless, hopeless decision that sent one small, lovely family into the depths of despair."

RELATED: In Dalton McSlippery's socialist paradise...'s all about the Big Picture...
" -- BARRIE -- An inmate of an institution for the criminally insane who insists she is a "female trapped inside a male's body" is begging for a $15,000 assessment that would qualify her for a government-funded sex change."

UPDATE: McGuinty runs for cover...
Liam’s family has spent more than $45,000 out of their own pocket for surgery and semi-annual follow-ups because Ontario’s health insurance plan has repeatedly denied it funding, arguing equivalent care is available here. This was despite the fact that doctors in Toronto told the family they couldn’t do anything more for Liam and directed him to a world-renowned surgeon in Michigan.
Moral of the story... if you want proper care for yourself or your family... make sure you have access to the media.