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10 May 2012

Your money... his friends

Dalton does it again...
For months, we’ve been warning the minister about the staffing policies at ORNGE that leave bases understaffed and incapable of responding to emergency calls,” Klees said, citing investigations into 13 such incidents."

"Matthews said she has asked ORNGE to “look closely” at what happened Wednesday but added she is aware there is a shortage of pilots trained to fly the helicopters.
That's funny... there doesn't seem to be a shortage of taxpayer cash...
"The incident put Health Minister Deb Matthews on the defensive yet again over ORNGE, where new leadership is in place since the departure of former chief executive Dr. Chris Mazza over his $1.4 million salary."

"As soon as McGuinty got wind of this Conservative fiasco, he called in the Auditor General"
No, Ted... more like, as soon as this started to get traction in the media...

Spin, spin, spin.